My blog and business web site statistics give me an insight into what is happening on the internet. Sure, it is a small, statistically-insignificant snapshot, but can be interesting none the less. The following numbers are for the last month.
Take browsers for a moment. Visitors to this blog in the last month have used the following browsers.
- Internet Explorer 46.42%
- Firefox 39.27%
- Safari 8.08%
- Chrome 4.04%
- Opera, Mozilla, Camino, Konqueror and Opera Mini the rest.
Anyone heard of Safari? (Sorry Mac users …). Chrome is high on the recognition list with Google‘s involvement, but does not seem to have a strong take-up. And what about Firefox? It has got a strong showing against the Microsoft juggernaught Internet Explorer. It will be interesting to see whether Chrome can make any headway — it has been holding a around this level for the last few months. Unfortunately I can not give a comparable snapshot from my business web site because I have not yet got around to excluding my own hits from it, so my visits distort the picture.
Another interesting development is Bing. And for this I can make a comparison with my business site because I do not search for my own web sites (well, I do, but I don’t click through). Google sent 97.69% of search engine generated visits in the last month, while Bing sent … none. Interestingly, Bing sent 92.54% of search engine generated traffic to my business web site, while Google only sent 7.46%. There is a vast anomaly there, which is mostly accounted for by the fact that Bing has only indexed the front page of this blog so far.
I have not yet had anyone visit this blog using Windows 7. XP still rules, with 68.41% of Windows users, while Vista accounts for 28.90%. All versions of Windows account for 84.97% of total visitors. MacIntosh (12.44%) and Linux (1.35%) are still well behind Windows’ dominance, Interestingly, iPod and iPhone account for 0.93% of visitors.
As always, I can not see any personal details in my statistics — all results are aggregated and not attributable to individuals.