Study of Hungarian Vizsla weight (2019)

The page is a work in progress. If you would like to share this page, please use the link Abstract The weight data for 591 Hungarian Vizslas (297 males and 294 females) was collected through the Vizslas Facebook Group and Hungarian Vizslas Australia Facebook Group. The average weight of mature male Hungarian Vizslas in the sample was 27.2 kg (60.0 lbs). The lightest in the sample was 17.2 kg (37.9 lbs), while themore »

Rest in peace Candy Grrl

Rest in peace Candy Grrl

My beautiful Candy-licious has passed away. The end was mercifully quick. She went downhill for a few weeks, but was still walking twice a day right until the end. She passed away on her favourite mat nuzzled into my side. You were Miss Personality. Called by many things apart from your real name – including Candy-licious, Candy Grrl, Chicken and Chooky – you were full of spirit and never afraid of a scrapmore »

Rest in peace King Roger

Rest in peace King Roger

My beloved friend and companion of 17 years has passed away. You were a truly outstanding dog with a wonderful balance of being a loving family member and protector of the pack. I loved the way you were so good with the kids, even if you were boisterous until well into adulthood. I loved the way you nuzzled against us showering us with affection while seeking a pat and a cuddle. I lovedmore »

Updated boat launching trolley (dolly) design

Before I started to build my first dinghy launching trolley (dolly), I scoured the internet for design ideas. One thing was evident — people make do with some really dodgy launching trolleys! This view was backed up by walking around the launching area of my local sailing club when all the boats are out on the water and the trolleys are left on the beach. There are some truly awful dinghy launching trolleysmore »

Sharpening knives using the Razor Sharp Edgemaking System on an Ozito bench grinder

My wife considers herself a bit of a cook. Perhaps not gourmet chef standard, but certainly capable of feeding the local football team. For many years she has complained bitterly that her kitchen knives were continually blunt. We had a knife sharpening steel with one of our knife sets, but while it could hone a sharp edge, it had no hope of reviving a very blunt knife. I also had a Norton Sharpeningmore »

Sabre sailing dinghy — a delightful little boat!

In my view, there is no perfect boat that does everything well. I was asking the impossible when I wanted a sailing dinghy that could be sailed one-up or two-up, by my wife and I (very heavy) together, by my wife or me individually, or by one or both of my children (very light!). The boat had to be fun for me to sail, but still stable enough for my wife and childrenmore »

How to make a simple, sturdy and functional sailing dinghy launching trolley (dolly)

This sailing dinghy launching trolley is made out of wood and epoxy and is able to be constructed using simple tools. Most people do not have the skills or tools to weld a metal launching trolley, but this trolley is a simple, sturdy and functional alternative. The trolley design can be readily adapted to suit both sailing dinghies and small motor boats such as tinnies and inflatable boats. When we purchased a Minnow sailingmore »